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Friday, August 23, 2013

My Students

Heading into week four I was fully refreshed, rejuvenated and re-inspired after my two-week vacation in Bali. The first three weeks were filled with learning school procedures and protocols, learning an entirely new curriculum and educational setting, and playing catch up from missing the whole first week of school. Week four I finally felt in control, and I was able to start enjoying teaching. With comfort in my overall situation came comfort in the classroom and there wasn’t a lesson this week that went by with out many laughs, many smiles and many insightful questions that really promote thinking. The smiles and laughs did not all belong to my students though, many of them belonged to me.

The reason I have been so delayed in posting anything related to my students and teaching is largely because of the teaching assignment I’ve been given with my JC2 (Junior college 2 aka grade 12) class. Essentially I am given four weeks (22 hours in class plus any after school or Saturday classes that I can arrange) to review a year long course (that I have never taught before) to prepare them for three very challenging tests. The syllabus is Indonesian, based off of a Singapore curriculum and the test is issued by Cambridge, which is a British education system. The scores they get on these three tests, as well as the three tests they will write in June essentially determine their university acceptance. University is the future for 99% of Bina Bangsa School students, and if student’s test scores are low the teacher is always one of the first options that is considered to place the blame. So a lot of pressure on me.

Normally I would be ready for any challenge, but in addition to this task, I teach three other courses (the equivalent to a full teaching load in Ontario). Initially I was spending as much time preparing for my JC2 course as I was for my other three courses combined so I estimate that in the first couple weeks I was roughly doing the work of two first year teachers. The second worst part was the previous year's teacher had left me nothing in terms of resources and my campus is so small that I am the only biology teacher at my campus, meaning there was no one to help me learn how this teaching assignment is feasible. However, the worst part was that if I failed and couldn’t be successful in this task, then my students would be the ones to suffer for my failure. All of that to say, when choosing topics for my blog I felt it best to avoid talking about my teaching until things stabilized.

Ready to meet my students?

The typical BBS student works incredibly hard, is very motivated, extremely well disciplined, and is very well rounded as demonstrated by being trilingual (Chinese, Bahasa Indonesian and English) and having mastery of at least one musical instrument. What stands out the most about the students at my school is the level of respect that they have towards each other, their environment and most of all, their teachers. There are many routines required of students to demonstrate their respect for authority including standing to welcome the teachers at the beginning of each class, standing to thank the teachers at the end of every class and referring to all teachers as "sir" or "miss". I thoroughly enjoy being called sir because I like to believe that all of the students think I am a knight. To be honest the first few weeks all of these gestures of respect for authority felt a little ridiculous. After really getting to know the kids, and actually earning their respect, all of these actions and more seem much more genuine and are always done out of excitement, with a smile, and with genuine gratitude. It is very difficult to have a bad day when the students are constantly reminding you that you are someone they respect and care for. 

I teach four different biology classes, as well as one period a week of a "life skills" course to Secondary 1 (grade 7) students. This life skills course is great and is not for credit so I have really taken it on as an opportunity to teach some important values and cover important topics with the kids. Not to mention to let the students have half an hour a week to just have fun, because the academics can get very heavy. 

My Sec 1 class having fun and learning valuable skills about life:

I was required to teach the topic of "perspective" in two periods to my life skillz class. I gave them an activity called "living a day in someone else's shoes". For the first period I showed them 5 images of different types of shoes. They were required to choose one out of dress shoes, high heels, cowboy boots, sandals or clown shoes and create a fictional character and write a short narrative describing a day in the life of the owner of those shoes. For the second part of the activity they would receive another students narrative, before reading it would make 3 predictions about that individual based only on the shoes that they wear, and then read the story to either confirm or refute their original assumptions about the fictional character. In my mind, all of the assumptions the students made based only on shoes would be wrong, and we would talk about stereotypes and judging others based on appearance before we get to know them, and how we can only really get to know someone by walking a day in their shoes, and considering things from their perspective.  I had already begun preparing my acceptance speech for the lesson of the year award. 

Unfortunately I assumed wrong. Turns out every single student thinks that everyone who wears dress shoes is a businessman, everyone who wears sandals must be a lifeguard, and everyone who wears cowboy boots owns a horse named El Darado. I had set out to teach a valuable lesson on perspective, but instead I had demonstrated to the students that in fact you can determine everything there is to know about a person just by looking at the shoes they wear. 

But I quickly thought of a way to recover. I made two charts on the board. One was "Mr. Trevor's impressions about the Sec 1 class", the other was "impressions about Mr. Trevor". Each chart had a "first impressions" and a "now column". Here is the final product:

I had mixed feelings of flattery, being highly offended, and highly concerned that I look like I've aged 15 years in 4 weeks. But when I asked the students "Were you able to tell everything there is to know about who I am just by looking at me once?" and they yelled "Noooooo" and then I asked "Do you think now you know everything there is to know about me?" and they replied "Not yet!", I knew that I had salvaged my lesson and that I had effectively taught my first life skill. 

I teach Secondary 3, Sec 4, Junior college 1, and JC 2 biology and each individual helps to contribute to the unique dynamic that I have with each class. Teaching is a lot of work but every time I leave a class I feel motivated to work harder so that I can be as positive an influence as possible on these kids. 

This is my desk in the teacher's room that I do all my hard work at
If you are wondering, "organization" is not part of the life skillz curriculum

This is a picture of my 6 JC2 students during "lab camp" practicing for their practical exam
 I might be able to use this photo when I teach science labs in Ontario for the "circle ten safety hazards in this lab room" activity

This is the view looking outside of my JC1 class

This is the view looking inside my JC1 class. Junior College students have a fancier uniform

This is a picture taken 3 seconds after saying "pretend you're having fun and learning lots"
 The student on the right's nickname is giggles. . . well deserved nickname

As well as my teaching duties, I coach basketball, have a few other duties that I have been neglecting, and am part of the discipline committee, which means I supervise lunch and after school detentions every Wednesday. Students at BBS receive detention a lot! This is not because they are misbehaving students, this is because they automatically get detention if they are late for school, if they forget a textbook, if they have not completed their homework, as well as all the usually stuff like talking too much in class. Although I think talking in class is the closest thing that these students do to acting out. 

It is because almost none of these actions are done with any sort of malice, and many of the late students are the result of traffic or something else outside the student's control, I try to make detention a little lighter and seem like less of a scorning, as well as being a little more flexible with the students when it comes to administering detention. However, I do recognize that the only way a school policy will work, is if all of the teachers are consistent and follow it so the students always know their expectations. 

When a student has lunch detention, they must sit at the back of the cafeteria, they may eat their lunch but they may not talk. When I supervise lunch detention I have to sit at the back of the cafeteria, I may eat my lunch, but since no students are allowed to talk, I also cannot talk. Sounds to me like I am also serving detention. Here is what's worse though, the image below is my view during "supervising" lunch detention:

When I say this is a picture of my view, I literally mean that student is part of the scenery. He is always on lunch detention. He is always on time so he never gets after school detention but he forgets his textbooks and binders all the time and therefore keeps me company every Wednesday at lunch. We've gotten pretty good at conversing in silence.
But back to my complaint. I already feel like I am serving detention, but I have it worse than the students. You've seen my view, but this is what the students look at during detention:

When I say they have a nice view I am not referring to the handsome gent eating his chicken and rice

I think there is an unofficial rule in teaching (actually it is probably official) that you're not suppose to choose a favourite class. Not saying I have a favourite class, I am saying that if I did it would be my Sec 4 class. I am also their form (homeroom) teacher so I spend a little extra time each week with them just having fun. Today being the funnest day yet. . .

During my first class today with Sec 4 (on Fridays I have them for half an hour in the morning, half an hour after lunch for form teacher time, and again for a half hour class at the end of the day) I had told two students who had yet to buy a binder for biology (come on, its week 4) that there would be punishment for them if they hadn't bought one by our form teacher time. One student bought one at break but the other student did not. Knowing that a) I couldn't just let her off the hook in front of the whole class because the kids would forever know I am a pushover and b) that its Friday and I don't want to stay after school for an hour to supervise one student for not having a binder, I settled on a different punishment. Another student was lightly strumming a guitar (form teacher time is very casual in my classroom) which gave me the idea to have the "disobedient" student sing the Barney song in front of the class. Little did I know the trap I had just set for myself. . .

When the student finished singing, and the class had applauded and cheered for her performance, one of the students said "sir you sing!". I replied "haha, no". The next thing I knew 15 students were chanting "Sing! Sing! Sing!". I caved almost immediately.

They suggested a few songs for me to sing and we actually had a bit of trouble finding one we would all know. "Sir, what music do you listen to?". "I listen to country music". "Sing Taylor Swift sir!". Too many nights at Tumbleweed Tuesdays in Kingston had taught me how much fun it is to sing country music. We decided I would sing "Trouble" and laid out the ground rules. One of my students would play guitar, I would sing the verses solo but the whole class would sing the chorus. Even in Indonesia they have heard the "I knew you were a goat when you walked in" remix to the song so there was obviously going to be a lot of goat noises. And lastly, anyone who knows me saw this one coming, we would sing the chorus as "I knew you were Trevor when you walked in".

And so the symphony began. I wish I had recorded it because it will never happen again but I have never in my life seen 15 students laughing so hard all at the same time. Many of the students were in tears and were complaining that they were laughing so hard it was hard to breathe. By the second chorus when I really showed them how to make a goat noise the laughter got so hard that the guitar player lost rhythm, and none of us could suppress the laughter enough to keep the song going. I couldn't help but smile and think about all the times back home when friends would sing "Trevor when you walked in" for me and it felt great to form a connection, however small, between my two different worlds. Although the blunt of the joke was my terrible singing, it felt great to have the class feel like such an inclusive community and its moments like that one that will really help to build that important rapport with students that will not only help me to be an effective teacher, but also to be a positive role model the students will remember for the rest of their lives. I guarantee you five years from now if one of my students was asked if they remember what Mr. Trevor taught them about plant hormones they likely wouldn't, but if they were asked if they remember the time when Mr. Trevor sang Taylor Swift in front of the class it would be a happy memory they will have with them for a long time.

Of course after the stellar performance they were more than willing to take a class photo

And a group photo shoot wouldn't be complete without a goofy one

So now you have met my students. You can be sure that they would have stood to welcome you, always respectfully referred to you as sir or miss, and before you would leave they would stand and thank you for your time. (sometimes I forget and go to leave the class and they stand up and do it before I can escape).

During my vacation last week was the first time I started to love this country. That was a huge step in my acceptance of the position I am in. It unlocked a level of positivity that I didn't even know I had. Week four of my teaching was the first time that I started to love my students. This is huge and whenever I am having a bad day I will turn on Taylor Swift and think back to my students and all of the great moments we've shared together. 

To demonstrate how great these kids are, I was all packed and ready to leave at 4pm to go home for the weekend. But instead of going home I stayed at school two hours longer to hang out with the kids. I played a little bit of doubles badminton with some of the students, shot a few baskets with some others, and had a jam session/guitar lesson with two of my Sec 4 students. I am brutal at guitar and these students have played 3-4 instruments since they were old enough to hold a guitar. I was holding back smiles and laughter thinking about how patient they were being with me, always adjusting their playing of drums or piano to my tempo that was all over the place. They would hesitantly offer me tips because they didn't want to offend me, and they were so positive and encouraging at the slightest sign of improvement. I must have sounded really terrible strumming with my fingers, while hooked up to the amp because one of the students playing basketball came over and gave me a guitar pick from his wallet, but no one complained or gave any indication that they considered me to be any worse of a musician than they are. I realized that these students would have stayed after school with me on a Friday, helping me hopelessly try to learn guitar, as late as I had asked them too. Not just that but they would have been happy to. The combination of how much respect these students have, how much help they are ready to offer, and how willing they are to please is something that became really clear to me this week and I feel incredibly fortunate to not just be able to teach such amazing students, but also to be able to spend so much time with such amazing kids and to learn so much from them.  

Our Friday afternoon Jam Session

And one for Rolling Stone Magazine for when our band makes it big

Sunday, August 18, 2013


Wanderlust – a very strong, or irresistible impulse to travel

“Why do you want to teach internationally?”. This was a question asked at every interview at the Teachers Overseas Recruiting Fair. This is a question that every international teacher has asked themselves many times.  More so than any other interview question I’ve ever been asked this one had a feeling that there was a “correct” answer.  Many teacher's reasons range from experience a new culture, learn a new language, gain perspective and become a better educator through experiencing a new school system. But the one thing that all educators looking to teach abroad have in common is at least a little bit of wanderlust.

In the days leading up to my departure to Indonesia I was talking with my half brother Ian and his wife Jenny, both of whom are very well travelled. Jenny made a comment about her experience living in Whistler (British Columbia, Canada for my international readers who have not been fortunate enough to know anything about Canada). She said that it was an amazing experience but one day she realized that she goes to work everyday and comes home and does her laundry. And if that was what her life was, she would rather do it back home where her friends and family are.

I didn't understand the laundry comment at the time, but now I think I know what she meant. Once a new place has nothing else to offer you that outweighs the difficulties of living away from your friends and family, it is time to go back home.

3-7 weeks ago I had lost all of my wanderlust. Through my weeks of sickness, homesickness, and some frustrations and struggles with my teaching assignment I felt that there was nothing for me in Indonesia that could justify me being away from my friends and family back home for two years.

Then I went to Bali. . .

I realize now that there are so many opportunities and possibilities that exist for me in Indonesia that I would not have readily available to me if I were back in Canada. The opportunities to experience new cultures, the natural volcanoes, mountains, beaches, islands, surf waves, coral reef, temples, and diversity of wildlife that are available to me in Indonesia are astounding.

I left Bali with a much fuller suitcase than I came with, thanks to the 3 pairs of sunglasses, new flip flops, several paintings, and 5 new tank tops with names of the various islands I visited on them (bartering at the little shops for items you don’t really need is a LOT of fun). But I also left Bali with a much fuller heart than I arrived with. With all its incredible people and natural beauty, for the first time since I arrived, I started to love the country of Indonesia.

Now let’s go on a journey! Pack your bags, get your neon tank top and glo hat on and let's go!

Just a quick hour and 45 minutes plane ride. You can either a) do what I did and read The Art of Racing in the Rain by Garth Stein (pretty good read but I have to warn you it is narrated by a dog) or b) look out the window at this view the whole way:

Indonesia has so many mountains and volcanoes. And since I know someone was thinking it, the white stuff in the photo is clouds, not snow. No snow in this country. 

All teachers know that it is important to start off a lesson with a "hook", something that captures the audience's attention and will interest them in the topic. Just try to look at these next pictures and not keep reading ;)

Welcome to Kuta 

Welcome to Padang Padang

Welcome to Dream Land (I am not making up these names)

Gili Trawangan

More Gili T

Nusa Lembongan

Blue lagoon

Secret beach

I can't remember the name of the place where this photo was taken. Was it Paradise?

I arrived in Bali and met up with Jeremy, Kasandra and Aaron in Kuta. Kuta is the largest tourist destination in Bali and is overflowing with Australians. There is tons to do here but it is so busy that it is not where you want to spend your vacation, however it is conveniently close to the airport and you can catch transport (buses, taxis, ferries, even a helicopter) to anywhere else in Bali from Kuta.

The next 3 days were spent in Padang Padang, a much smaller place famous for its incredible surfing waves. In fact, overlapping with our time there was a world surfing competition. The surf was too flat for the competition while we were there so we didn't see any of it but I did attempt to surf for the first time in my life. I learned that trying to teach yourself how to surf based entirely on guessing is extremely difficult and I promised myself I would take lessons later in the trip.

On our first trip down to Padang Padang beach we were greeted by a bunch of monkeys. I put my stuff down to snap some photos and was robbed, oceans eleven style. It felt like one of those spaghetti western style films when the bandits hop on a train and steal all the bags with the dollar signs on them, and it isn't until the train conductor sees the dust being kicked up by the bandits' horses as they get away that he realizes the robbery he has just been made victim of. I felt like the conductor on one of those trains. 

While I was innocently taking pictures and minding my own business the stealthiest monkey of all time crept up and took my full 1.5L water bottle (the equivalent to my bags marked with dollar signs) . Noticing that I had spotted him he climbed up a wall and taunted me. He used his opposable thumbs and spun open the cap with one fluid motion. After rudely spilling about half of the water that didn't belong to him he used both his monkey hands and one of his monkey feet to tilt the bottle to his mouth and began to drink my delicious, cold water. I was too disgruntled and distracted to take a picture but Kasandra snapped a great photo which I will try to grab from her at a later date to a) show you all in a later blog post and b) help create the monkey wanted poster for the police so they can catch this thief. 

The entrance to Padang Padang beach involves a one-lane, narrow, winding staircase/cave that is made more complicated when people are carrying surfboards

This is a picture of me, on a rock. (Trevor, why would you include this photo, its a terrible photo and its boring). I would like the more keen observers to appreciate the tan I accumulate over this trip and this was day one when people would pull their sunglasses over their eyes when I walked past

On the day we left Padang Padang there was a huge ceremony on the beach. It was a Hindu ceremony. It was difficult to get all the details and piece together exactly what was happening but to my best understanding they were honouring those who died over the past several years and might have been wishing them well on their journey to their next life, as reincarnation is a big part of Hindu religion. 

The head ornaments, instruments, and many other decorations made for a beautiful ceremony. I actually sort of got invited to the ceremony and was sitting in the sand with the people in the photo below for quite some time listening to the drums play and wondering what was going on. Also, remember the winding tunnel in the photo above to get to the beach? Getting all these people down there was very interesting

Indonesia has the largest Muslim population of any country in the world. With a population of nearly 250 million and about 90% Muslim, I am no rain man or anything, but that is about 225 million Muslims. After all, this two week holiday was the Muslim Leberan holiday to celebrate the breaking of the Ramadan fast. I wish that more westerners had the opportunity to live so closely to 225 million Muslims and maybe their skewed perspective about the portrayal of Muslim extremists, or terrorists, by our western media may finally change.

Although the most prevalent religion in Indonesia is Muslim, in Bali it is almost entirely Hindu. Someone (or maybe I read it somewhere) once told me that every Island you go to in Indonesia (and there are over a thousand of them) is like going to an entirely new country in terms of the differences in culture. I finally understand what they meant. I find the Hindu culture to be absolutely beautiful and fascinating. There are hundreds of deities, and each deity rides some sort of animal. Ganesh is the most popular of these deities and is the remover of obstacles. There is also a god of education and almost anything else you can think of. Because Hindus believe in reincarnation, one cannot convert to Hinduism, they must be born into it in another life. 

I literally have no idea what these statues are of but they are really cool

Everywhere in Bali there was beautifully sculpted statues of various deities

You cannot come to bali without getting handed hundreds of flyers for massages. If you are like me and the people I was travelling with you will take advantages of these massages. Prices range from $6 for a one hour massage to $13 for an hour and a half massage. Here is a photo with a couple of the massage ladies from our relaxing massage in Kuta.

The reoccurring theme of the trip for massages was that whichever girl massaged Aaron immediately fell in love with him. I don't think he minded too much

Nice little group shot at dream beach

As beautiful as the beaches are during the bright sunny day, their beauty reached a next level when it came time for the sun to set

I was approached by a representative from Sports Illustrated to be featured in the month of December for the 2014 Swimsuit Calendar. Poor Kate Upton will have to settle for November next year

This next story is tough to gage what the reaction will be like so I'll make it quick, and please keep in mind that Kopi Luwak is a delicacy on Bali and I was doing it for the cultural experience:

These are Civets

These cute little animals eat coffee beens. Then they excrete them. In the olden days, people would search through forests to find Civet droppings, now they just take it from their cage. Then they wash the coffee beans. . . really really well I hope

Then coffee gets brewed

 Then tourists are tricked not only into drinking the Civet poop coffee, but also paying $5 a cup for it. 

 Some tourists can't handle the Civet poop and go crazy

Honestly it was cool to try but I prefer Timmies

I told my sister Emma about the Civet coffee and she said "no wonder you got ecoli poisoning". At the end of our conversation I told her I was off to visit a place called elephant caves and she said "have fun but please don't eat any elephant poop"

This photo was at the Kopi Luwak place and I just love the diversity of plants and highly exaggerated flower colouration found in tropical countries

The longer we spent time in Bali, the more locals we met, and the more locals we met that were named Katuk. I thought to myself that Katuk must be to Bali what Katie is to Canada where there are a ridiculous number of girls with that name. Jeremy explained to me, and I had to research it a little more, the very traditional and interesting way that names work in Bali.

Step one:
The first-born child (boy or girl) in every family is named Wayan. The second child is named Made (pronounced ma day). The third child is named Nyoman and the fourth child is named Katuk. If a fifth child is born they are named Wayan, the sixth is named Made, the seventh Nyoman and eighth Katuk. A ninth child, you guessed it would be the third child in the family to be named Wayan.

Step two: Women receive the honorific “Ni” in front of their name as in Ni Katuk and Men receive “I” as in I Wayan, similar to Mrs. and Mr.

I found out that not surprisingly most Balinese people go by either nicknames that they acquire in the same way that we would acquire a nickname (through personality traits, or hobbies etc.) or by their family names, however when they introduce themselves to tourists they use their first name.

Our next destination was Ubud, which is the cultural capital of Bali. The one downside is that it is not on the ocean, but there is so much to do and learn that there is no time for the beach anyways. We had massages here once a day, there are yoga retreats if that's what you're in to, there is such a diversity of restaurants and there are so many rice fields and temples to see. Compared to the more popular places like Kuta and Gili Trawangon it is very cheap.

These were our digs in Ubud. Cheap, clean, swimming pool, breakfast delivered to your room every morning, this is where I will stay again next time I am in Ubud

We visited the Monkey Jungle which has many Hindu temples, and many monkeys. But don't worry, I was prepared after my previous monkey encounter and kept a good eye on all of them for any sign of thievery. You could purchase bananas just outside the entrance and the monkeys would climb on you, take them from your hands and eat them on you long enough to snap a few pics

We ventured over to the cremation temple and to our surprise there was an actual cremation happening. I thought it was just a demonstration or something so I was taking pictures like the rest of the tourists but definitely decided it was time to move on when we found out it was a real person being cremated

In order to enter the area that the next temple was in we were required to dress in some of the traditional Hindu dress including a sarong and scarf. Had there actually been a prayer happening at that time we would have been required to wear much more.  

At elephant caves we were required to wear sarongs again and the gentleman issuing them thought it was the funniest thing in the history of the world to give me a pink one

After making sure to go to a "babi guling", also known as a roast suckling pig for lunch we headed to Gili Trawangan. The Gili islands is a group of three islands technically in Lombak, which are a short boat ride from Bali. The Gilis, with its amazing food, night life, snorkling, diving, beaches and sunsets was my favourite destination of the trip. 

We met up with a group of 7 other teachers for our time on the Gilis and it was great to catch up with them and do some snorkelling, fine dining, some dancing, and just enjoying life.
Top from the left: Moi, Amy, Aaron, Matt
Bottom from the left: Kavita, Corey, Brad, Eli, Nate

One of my favourite parts of Gili T, is every day around 5pm everyone would head over to South Tip to a restaurant/bar and lounge around with some dinner or a beer and wait for the sun to set. The sounds of the waves crashing, the sand between your toes, the view of the mountains of Bali on one side, the view of the volcanoes of Lambok on the other side and the way the setting sun just decorated the sky with a sea of colours was one of the most relaxing and enjoyable moments I can ever think of. These pictures do not even begin to capture the experience and I cannot wait to take a beautiful girl to South Tip, Gili Trawangan to watch the sunset. 

When the sun goes down on Gili T, that does not mark the end of the night, in fact it is only the beginning. At South Tip, lanterns are set up and a bonfire is lit on the beach and there are fire performances every night. After watching some of that we would head over to one of many, many restaurant options. We had seafood, sushi, bbq, thai, indian, italian, you name it. There is even a night market on the island where you can buy some local foods including many of the fresh catches of the day from the sea. After a slow, relaxing dinner and a few Bintangs (the popular beer in Bali) we would head over to Soma Soma (roughly translates to no worries), which is the reggae bar where they have a live band every night. When that band starts playing it casts a spell on everyone in the bar and hips and bodies start moving as everyone dances to the live music. Soma Soma cannot last forever but even around 1 or 2 in the morning when that closes the night is still not over. The crowd moves to surf bar where there is a bonfire and the sound of the ocean waves and star lit sky make a perfect setting as the beach is turned into a dance floor.

Take me back to Gili T. . .

Other highlights of my time on the island include a snorkel tour around the gilis, a dive in which I saw a sting ray, a turtle, and a two sharks (I have a video of the sharks but again it is on Kasandra's camera).

Reluctantly we did leave the Gilis, and we took a boat directly to Nusa Lembongan. It was a wonderful place to wind down and relax and cap off our vacation. By wind down and relax I mean I fulfilled my promise to myself earlier in the trip and took some surfing lessons, went for two dives (saw two Mola Mola, which is a gigantic sunfish and is officially the largest fish I have ever seen in my diving career), and rented motorcycles and toured the island and neighbouring island Ceningan for lots of snorkelling and some cliff jumping.

Learning to surf definitely was one of the highlights of my trip. Such a cool feeling to have the wave take control of your board, stand up, and then ride the wave until it dies down. Then its time to paddle back and catch the next one. 

As with everywhere in Bali the sunset is just spectacular and Nusa Lembongan did not disappoint. My surf lesson on our last day was from 4-6pm so it was just finishing up as the sun was setting. After the lesson I was able to sit out on my board on the water and watch the sunset.

 Me and my surf instructor Khadil

On the very last day, we visited a beach resort called secret beach. It honestly felt like we snuck into a billionaire's pool.

At blue lagoon we jumped off a 15 meter (50 foot) cliff. I feel like this is an appropriate picture to finish up this blog entry because its epic and I would like to think it is symbolic of how ready I am to get out there and explore more of this beautiful country. 

 Until next time Bali